Melodies vs. Chord Progressions: The Debate on Substance in Contemporary Music
This section covers topics such as songwriting, composition, music production, and the creative process, as well as what is currently happening in the music scene, medical research, etc.
It is important to recognize that the statements in this section are solely my opinions and should not be taken as fact. It is important to do your own research and make decisions based on facts rather than opinion. It is also important to remember that opinions can change over time and should not be taken as concrete.

The perception that contemporary music lacks substance and relies heavily on chord progressions rather than memorable melodies is a viewpoint that is shared by some critics and listeners. There are several factors contributing to this sentiment:
1. Production Techniques: In modern production, beats, textures, and sound design often take precedence over traditional melodic structures, leading to an emphasis on rhythm and atmosphere at the expense of strong, memorable hooks.
2. Commercialization: The music industry has become highly commercialized, with a focus on hits that can quickly attract attention. This has led to formulas and trends that prioritize catchiness over depth, often resulting in songs that sound similar.
3. Short Attention Spans: In the age of streaming, listeners often skim through songs rather than listening in their entirety. This has led to a trend where hooks and catchy choruses are prioritized to grab attention quickly, often at the expense of more complex melodies and themes.
4. Influence of Genres: Genres like pop, hip-hop, trap and electronic music often prioritize rhythm and production over melody, which can lead to a perception of sameness in many songs. The blending of genres further contributes to this homogenization.
5. Nostalgia and Formulaic Approaches: Many artists draw inspiration from previous decades, leading to a recycling of chord progressions and musical styles that may feel tired or lacking in originality to some listeners.
6. Lyrical Themes: There is a perception that lyrics have become more superficial, often revolving around similar themes of partying, relationships, or materialism without exploring deeper emotions or stories.
While these factors can contribute to the perception of mediocrity, it's important to note that there are still many artists and genres producing innovative and meaningful music today. The music landscape is vast and diverse, and there are always exceptions and new voices pushing boundaries. Personal taste plays a significant role in how we perceive music, and what resonates with one person may not hold the same value for another.
For further reading: Music and the Human Brain, Second Edition, by Eliasar A. Simon, MD, on Amazon.
For further music listening:
Eliasar A. Simon, M.D.