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Diseases of Unknown Origin, The Abandoned Theory Author:  Eliasar A. Simon, M.D.

ISBN: 9780976948001

Diseases of Unknown Origin, The Abandoned Theory is the most forceful concept in disease pathophysiology, prevention, and treatment today.  It provides an undeniable and clever analysis with supporting data of why hydration should never be ignored or abandoned--at all.  As research continues, the connection between water deficiency and deceptively unrelated health problems become obvious and understandable.


Music and the Human Brain

Author: Eliasar A. Simon, M.D

ISBN: 9780976948018

Music and the Human Brain, The Lost Hypothesis is the most compelling omitted argument in the origin and meaning of music.  It provides an unquestionable and maestroic exploration with supporting data of why good music is necessary and should never be disregarded in any way.  As research continues, the link between music and the human brain becomes lucid and sound even in dreams.


About the Author:   Dr. Eliasar A. Simon received his B.S. in Zoology from Far Eastern University in Manila, the Philippines.  He received his M.D. from Far Eastern University-NRMF School of Medicine in Manila, the Philippines.  He finished his postgraduate internship and residency training in pediatrics from the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey-Rutgers New Jersey Medical School in Newark, New Jersey, U.S.A.  He is a board certified nutritional consultant/holistic health practitioner and a board licensed physician in the State of Hawaii, U.S.A.  He is a member of the American College of Lifestyle Medicine and the American Academy of Pediatrics.



It has been quite some time since the first edition of the book was written and published, seventeen years ago. Its goal was to provide a guide for later editions. Now the vision that was foreseen back then has come to fruition due to advances in research and publication. It is now undeniable that the most compelling argument about the origin and meaning of music has become much clearer. This book provides a masterful exploration with supporting evidence of why good music is essential and should never be disregarded. As research continues, the connection between music and the human brain is becoming more and more apparent, even in our dreams.

This book is essential reading for anyone who wishes to gain a deeper understanding of the significance of music in our lives.

Here's the link on Amazon: Music and the Human Brain-2nd Edition

Music and the Human Brain - 2nd Editon

Author: Eliasar A. Simon, M.D

ISBN: 9798865992769